Last things first, Saturday night, I attempted to cut his hair.
It was a bowl-style cut, or aiming towards looking that way. I only trimmed up around his ears, eyes and neck.
Which resulted in this pile of curls:
But on to the fun stuff....
Curly Boy, Curly Boy, what will we ever do with this child? He is such a younger sibling. Anything to make us laugh. Anything goofy. He reminds me SO much of my brother sometimes.
He loves his big sister and can be an extreme copy cat. So, you can imagine Mr. Curly's dismay when Curly Boy started playing with Curly Girl's new make-up kit. The old chapstick tubes came out quickly, because boys can use chapstick. Mr. Curly is now talking camo paint for his birthday....
And then dress up came. Curly Girl put on her new tutu and headband and wanted to dance. And Curly Boy grabbed the leotard. I said "oh my goodness would your father throw a fit if I put this on you." Thankfully, Mom's co-worker saved the day! She had sent a bag of boy clothes, so we went digging.
First we found a KC Chiefs jacket, but that was just a jacket, so then we pulled out slicky shorts. Pulled up over his footie pjs (just has Sissy had her skirt on over her footie pjs) he was in business. And super cute too. And just happy to be dressed up silly like Sissy.
There was also a night he must have been cold because he decided to wear Mr. Curly's hoodie.
And while we did spend 30 minutes playing with a doll (learning how to pat the baby gently, and feed the baby nicely, and NOT poke the baby's eyes out or stick our fingers in the baby's mouth), he also spent several hours playing with Lincoln logs, hot wheels on a car mat (thank you Papa and Nanny) and his new tool box (thank you Granddad and Grandma!)
Curly Boy LOVES stuffed bears, but only bears. I can't get him to play with the lion, the dinosaur, the uber-fluffy sheep I made him (as seen in this post).
And yet, for Christmas, I made him this:
He is supposed to look like this:

Which I found at Jane Avion, most specifically, this post.
And you know what Curly Boy did? He looked at the pig, he pulled the pig's nose and then tossed it aside. I'm trying not to be heartbroken, because really, considering all the other cool stuff he got (A CARS seek and find book? SCORE), a stuffed pig made of socks really isn't all that great. And it's definitely NOT Buddy Bear.
Still, for a 20 month old, he was incredibly well mannered (lots of thank you's - actual words, not just sign language!) and loving (lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles) and gracious (we tried on all our new clothes and he even wore the robe I made him!). So what if he threw his cars across the mat, or made them crash into each other? Or wrestled the dog and cat to the ground, squealing with joy the whole time? Or tried to eat the shark tub toy, and then made the shark tub toy attack the dolphin tub toy?
He's a boy. And boys will be boys, even when they goop up their hands with little girl make-up.
And I wouldn't have my little man any other way.
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