Curly Girl was 7 months old. We had lived in South Dakota for just close to 4 months. It was April. It was snowing.
In Kansas, my friends were in shorts. My dad was planting a garden. It was spring.
And I was looking at a foot of snow. And I was depressed.
Tuesday, for those of you who don't follow Iowa weather, we got hit with an ice storm. Yesterday, we got a few sprinkles, though the ice crackling in the trees made it sound like a huge rainstorm every time you stepped outside.
This morning, Thursday, April 11, we woke up to this:
I'm not crying this time, though it is depressing. It is supposed to be spring. I'm trying to coax tomato plants to life in my dining room, and we had tulips coming up. However, this time, rather than being friendless and 10+ hours from any family, we are in a town, with friends, who are all dealing with the same thing.
And Kansas isn't that much warmer.
And a little bright spot - look at this robin on our fence. Isn't he the fattest little thing?!
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