Saturday, July 30, 2011

One new meal a week....

I challenged myself to one new meal a week. Unlike my friend Kammie who is creates new meals from deep inside her own brain, I rely on Hy-Vee's SEASONS Quarterly Magazine.

This week's new meal: Grilled Salmon Pitas.

These were.... ok. Filled with grilled salmon, pico de gallo, black beans, brown rice, cilantro, dill and some homemade lime viniagrette, this idea works well as a nice, light, summer supper. The pico de gallo however took over almost the whole dish. We will definitely be having these again, but most likely cutting the pico de gallo in half.

Since I have been in the freezing/canning mode, and had just cooked up a bunch of home-grown-by-my-dad potatoes to freeze for the winter, I even made up a chunky home grown potato salad. It was light on mustard (we ran out) and pickles (just didn't cut enough) and heavy on seasoning. I must need more practice!

Next week - tamales!

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