For instance: Here's a (pretty blurry, sorry) belly shot update, 32 weeks pregnant:

I finally made my baby sling. A Maya wrap. For $7 I made what would've cost me $65.95 plus shipping to order on-line. And it's all because Maya offers instructions on-line for us pretend-crafty types! I have no pictures of mine (dark blue homespun cotton and brass rings) because my children (who would totally fit in it with a hip-style carry) refuse to be in a "baby" sling. Per Curly Girl "We're not babies, we're big kids!" So we'll have to wait until Curly Baby arrives to show it off!
Instead of a shoe-style organizer, I will be making one of these can organizers. Considering the number of formula cans I dug out of the kitchen cabinets last night, I can make several of these!
And only 1 week until moving day! Last night we packed 6 boxes, which included cleaning out the infamous junk drawers.
I had to scrape ice off the INSIDE of my car window this morning in order to see to drive to work. That was crazy.
Curly Girl put herself to bed last night. No stories, no books, just "Mommy, you go downstairs and I'll go to bed." She did allow me to pray with her, but she wouldn't even let me tuck her in. Though independence is good, it made me rather sad.
We're attempting to eat all the things you ignore until you just have no other options so you don't have to pack up too much food in the move. Last night Mr Curly and I ate fish, while the children had chicken and we all shared a box of mac and cheese. Horribly healthy, I know. The other option was soup and TGIF cheddar bacon potato skins, so I think I chose a good route.
And to offer you some fun and distraction - Read Darth & Droids. Using stills from the Star Wars movies, a group of guys somewhere (real clear, huh?) have turned all 6 Star Wars films into role-playing comic book adventures. Too hilariously awesome.
And that is where the post title comes from.
Have a great weekend!
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